Submarine Games Online

Submarine game.
Take control of a uboat U-48 and patrol the North Atlantic. Hunt Allied convoys and avoid escort groups. Return to Kiel bunkier to load torpedoes and upgrade your uboat.
Patrol report:
1203 Grid 42 Reached patrol area
2230 Grid 42 Ship spotted, bearing 080
2238 Grid 42 Visual contact, medium cargo ship
2243 Grid 42 3 bow torpedoes fired
2244 Grid 42 First explosion
2245 Grid 42 Second explosion, ship sunk
Rules on

UBOAT is a simulator of a submarine from WWII era. It is a survival sandbox with crew management mechanics while its primary theme is life of German sailors. The boat is their home, but it can become their grave at any time. Submarine War Games. In these submarine war games your mission is to rescue Russian marines after their submarine was sunk in shallow waters. Your are equipped with a LR5 manned submersible, a DSAR class submarine rescue vehicle that can reach a maximum speed of 2.5 knots and is equipped with an echo sounder and obstacle avoidance sonar amongst other assets.


Ww2 Submarine Games Online

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